Principal’s Corner: A Message From Principal Kamau
Faculty and Staff Luncheon
Our teachers and staff have worked so hard all year; please help us send them off on Winter Break with a fabulous lunch!
WHEN: Friday, December 16 at 12:30pm
THEME: Warner “Chilly” Fest 2016 – Come Warm Up with Southern Style Cuisine
ITEMS NEEDED BY: FRIDAY MORNING December 16 by 11AM in Library
Please sign up for one or MORE item(s) at the link below, including volunteer shifts for set up and clean up and Southern-inspired family specialty dishes:
We also welcome MONETARY DONATIONS to cover the cost of decorations, plates, serving dishes, flowers, etc; please leave cash or check to Sasha Nourafchan in the basket labeled “TeacherLuncheon” in the main office.
The names of all donors (food and monetary donations) will be displayed in the library during the Luncheon.
Please note the Winter Sing times for each grade. All kindergarten families should attend the Thursday performance.
All other families should attend the performance of their oldest child.
All children sing at every performance.
Each performance lasts one hour.
Out of respect for the kids’ hard work, PLEASE STAY FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW.
Kindergarten: Thursday, December 15th 8:45 am
If your oldest child is in…
1st Grade: Friday, December 16th 8:15 am
2nd Grade: Friday, December 16th 9:45 am
3rd Grade: Friday, December 16th 9:45 am
4th Grade: Friday, December 16th 8:15 am
5th Grade: Friday, December 16th 11:15 am
Please note: Friday, December 16th, is a minimum day.
During Winter Sing, there will be a BAKE SALE in the courtyard
along with a special drawing (see pictures of prizes below).
There will be coffee, juice and lots of delicious goodies. Bring the kids for breakfast.
All proceeds benefit 5th grade culmination. Your support is always appreciated.
Happy Holidays to all!
Get Free Books for Your Kids to Read Over Winter Break! Read the Flyer Below to Learn About the Very First Warner Book Swap!
The Main Office Needs Clothing Donations
The Main Office is in need of boys and girls clothing donations. They need small sizes in shorts, pants, and leggings.
Thank you!
Warner Avenue Party Book Is Live
We hope you received your hard copy of the 2016-17 Warner Party Book!
Parties will be added and changes may be made throughout the year.
We will continue to provide updates in the Warner What’s Happening, but please also
for real-time revisions.
Parties may fill up quickly so sign up now!
Supporting Our Children Through the Annual Fund
The teaching assistants play a very impactful role that is paid for by the Warner Annual Fund. These people make a dramatic impression on your children – how often do they talk about not just their teacher, but the TA in their room. The Warner Annual Fund is still struggling for contributions this year and these articles have been an effort to communicate how important all of these roles are for your children. These positions exist due to contributions from the parent body – if you haven’t contributed but are able to do so, please do it – the donation will make you feel good and is one direct way to impact your child’s education in an extremely positive manner. Please don’t rely on other parents – many have given, and we still need everyone to participate.
A few facts about our very accomplished Teaching Assistants:
All twenty-seven of our TAs have completed college or in the process of finishing their undergrad degrees. Six of them attend UCLA
Three of our Teaching assistants are currently in graduate school, one of our teaching assistants is at UCLA Law School and one is at Pepperdine School of Education.
Six of our teaching assistants have studied or are currently studying to become teachers
Two of our TAs were former LAUSD teachers – one at Warner and the other at Coeur d’Alene Elementary School.
We are so proud of them and so fortunate to have such amazing talent working with our kids.
It is you, the parents, who make this possible. Please make your donation to the Warner Annual Fund today.
Thank you.
Amazon – What Happened?
We were so excited about Black Friday and the free money Warner would receive from our families clicking through our website….but we only had 26 clicks that day. 26 CLICKS? What happened?
Amazon Smile does not earn us as much money as clicking though our website and making purchases. As you are doing your holiday shopping PLEASE remember to click the link through our website. It is crazy easy. It takes 30 seconds and it costs you nothing.
Grab a free decal from the office, stick it on your computer to remember. If you don’t click-through, you just enrich Amazon‘s bottom line instead of helping your kids’ school.
So every time you shop Amazon,first go to: Then click-through to Amazon from our portal, fill your cart and check out as usual. Every single time. It matters in this holiday season more than ever. Thank you.
Thank you for supporting Warner Avenue Elementary!
Please Sign Up! Only 45 Parents Have Registered!
According to Ralphs, only 45 parents have registered their rewards card so far!
Please sign up now – this is free money for our school!
Now is the time to re-register your Ralphs card & earn free money for Warner!
You must re-register your Ralphs card each school year in order for Warner to receive Community Contribution funds…
Follow the prompts to register your card or sign in to your existing account. When you get to pick an organization for “community rewards,” be sure to select Warner Avenue Elementary School (not a “pop warner” team), organization #81123.
Congratulations to the Boys’ Basketball Team who won 2nd place out of 140 teams in the South/West district. The boys played two games, winning the first one and losing the second one by one free throw point in the last second of the game. The boys played hard as a team, and they should be proud. Congratulations to the boys and Coach Robertson on a great season!
Warner Pride
Bring out your inner Wildcat! Join Warner Wear Wednesdays!!
From now on, every Wednesday is WARNER WEAR WEDNESDAY! Warner students (and their parents) are encouraged to wear any Warner shirt (vintage or new). That could be their field trip shirt, Haunt shirt, Warner Walk shirts or one of the cool Warner Wear shirts available at the Warner Wear Store.
*No purchase necessary, but if you do want to buy new gear, we have a wide range of t’s and sweatshirts for adults and kids at the Warner store, open Mondays at assembly and Fridays at dismissal. We’re proud of our school and proud of our students; Warner Wear Wednesdays!
Spring Auction – Save the Date
Mark your calendars for the Spring Auction: Saturday, March 4, 2017 at the Sofitel Hotel. More details to come in 2017.
In the meantime, you can help during your holiday travels. We are seeking donations, specifically in the form of certificates for travel (hotel, resorts & vacation homes), restaurants, sporting events, music concerts and other fun experiences. How to do this?
1. Download a solicitation form HERE. Forms are also available outside the Main Office.
2. Keep a supply in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when away for the holidays, at dinner, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities. Remember, donations are 100% tax deductible.
Come and tap into your inner-Picasso, as a volunteer at the Art/Free Zone tables, while enjoying the lovely children of Warner Avenue. Enjoy an afternoon playing board games, directing an art activity, or just simply creating through writing, art and conversation. Your role can be as simple as a supervisor, or as demanding as a facilitator of your own project.
For further instruction, or questions, please contact either Paula Lewis at or Sherry Lavian at We are happy to get you started with your first shift.
Please note, if you plan a project, it should take no longer than 10 minutes. The children are only at the tables for 15 mins max.
Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet for “Free Zone Grades 1-2”.
*January 5th all sites will be going to Dave and Buster’s.
There will be NOVA classes Monday through Thursday this week only.
There will be no NOVA classes on Friday, December 16th.
There will only be GALAXY on Friday, December 16th.
We are currently in NOVA Session 2 and will continue to be in NOVA Session 2 when we return from Winter Break.
NOVA Session 2 ends Friday, January 20th.
NOVA Session 3 starts Monday, January 30th.
The week of January 23rd is an off week.
There are no NOVA classes the week of January 23rd.
The week of the January 23rd is Extravaganza show week. If your child(ren) are in performance classes they will be with STAR during the week of January 23rd.
STAR wishes everyone a happy and healthy holiday break!
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, this newsletter) please contact Tracy Austin at
It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Shopping in Century City? Earn Money for Warner
Earning money for Warner is easy when you shop in Century City.
Join the Westfield Rewards program by visiting
Once your account is confirmed, you can submit receipts by signing into your account. Select the ‘Points’ tab, then ‘Add Points.’ Be sure to ‘Pick Partner’ and choose Warner. Or submit your receipts to the Westfield Customer Service Desk within 7 days.
Upload your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. I think everyone should have a Coffee Buddy…
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!
Principal’s Corner: A Message From Principal Kamau
WAVE Meeting and Presentation Monday, December 5th
Please join us for the next…
Monday, December 5th at 8:30am (immediately after assembly) in the Banooni Auditorium
In 20 minutes or less get a campus update on all the happenings at Warner Avenue School. Your attendance is strongly encouraged.
Please plan to stay and hear a presentation from Alan Silberberg.
Our children are growing up in a digital, social media-saturated world. Come learn about family safety online, including your digital footprint and cybersecurity.
Alan Silberberg is a Founder of Digijaks, a cybersecurity company specializing in social media and mobile devices. He is a member of the California Cyber Security Task Force (established by Gov. Jerry Brown) and subject matter expert on cybersecurity for the US SBA. Mr. Silberberg is a Warner parent and his tech column is often featured in the WarnerWhat‘s Happeningnewsletter.
Warner Avenue Party Book Is Live
We hope you received your hard copy of the 2016-17 Warner Party Book!
Parties will be added and changes may be made throughout the year.
We will continue to provide updates in the Warner What’s Happening, but please also
for real-time revisions.
Parties may fill up quickly so sign up now!
Party Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Party Time: 7:00p-9:00p
Hosted By: Deborah Hakim
Party Location: 10488 Lindbrook Drive, LA, 90024
A Message From Your WAVE Fundraising Co-Directors
We would like to thank the following parents for taking on leadership roles and for their help in making WARNER’S 2016 HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE such a fabulous success!
2016 Holiday Boutique Co-Chairs:
Rene Farahmandian
Sharon Monempour
Sandy Pirnazar – Publicity
Ramona Shamoolian – Bake Sale
Rebecca Khorshidi – Bake Sale
Limore Shaye – Food & Bake Sale
Cynthia Wyse – Set-up
Lila Hanasab – Set-up & Toys
And thank you to everyone who came out to sell and to cashier.
This event couldn’t have happened without all of your help!
The teaching assistants play a very impactful role that is paid for by the Warner Annual Fund. These people make a dramatic impression on your children – how often do they talk about not just their teacher, but the TA in their room. The Warner Annual Fund is still struggling for contributions this year and these articles have been an effort to communicate how important all of these roles are for your children. These positions exist due to contributions from the parent body – if you haven’t contributed but are able to do so, please do it – the donation will make you feel good and is one direct way to impact your child’s education in an extremely positive manner. Please don’t rely on other parents – many have given, and we still need everyone to participate.
A few facts about our very accomplished Teaching Assistants:
All twenty-seven of our TAs have completed college or in the process of finishing their undergrad degrees. Six of them attend UCLA
Three of our Teaching assistants are currently in graduate school, one of our teaching assistants is at UCLA Law School and one is at Pepperdine School of Education.
Six of our teaching assistants have studied or are currently studying to become teachers
Two of our TAs were former LAUSD teachers – one at Warner and the other at Coeur d’Alene Elementary School.
We are so proud of them and so fortunate to have such amazing talent working with our kids.
It is you, the parents, who make this possible. Please make your donation to the Warner Annual Fund today.
Thank you.
Amazon – What Happened?
We were so excited about Black Friday and the free money Warner would receive from our families clicking through our website….but we only had 26 clicks that day. 26 CLICKS? What happened?
Amazon Smile does not earn us as much money as clicking though our website and making purchases. As you are doing your holiday shopping PLEASE remember to click the link through our website. It is crazy easy. It takes 30 seconds and it costs you nothing.
Grab a free decal from the office, stick it on your computer to remember. If you don’t click-through, you just enrich Amazon‘s bottom line instead of helping your kids’ school.
So every time you shop Amazon,first go to: Then click-through to Amazon from our portal, fill your cart and check out as usual. Every single time. It matters in this holiday season more than ever. Thank you.
Thank you for supporting Warner Avenue Elementary!
Please Sign Up! Only 45 Parents Have Registered!
According to Ralphs, only 45 parents have registered their rewards card so far!
Please sign up now – this is free money for our school!
Now is the time to re-register your Ralphs card & earn free money for Warner!
You must re-register your Ralphs card each school year in order for Warner to receive Community Contribution funds…
Follow the prompts to register your card or sign in to your existing account. When you get to pick an organization for “community rewards,” be sure to select Warner Avenue Elementary School (not a “pop warner” team), organization #81123.
Our teachers and staff have worked so hard all year; please help us send them off on Winter Break with a fabulous lunch!
WHEN: Friday, December 16 at 12:30pm
THEME: Warner “Chilly” Fest 2016 – Come Warm Up with Southern Style Cuisine
ITEMS NEEDED BY: FRIDAY MORNING December 16 by 11AM in Library
Please sign up for one or MORE item(s) at the link below, including volunteer shifts for set up and clean up and Southern-inspired family specialty dishes:
We also welcome MONETARY DONATIONS to cover the cost of decorations, plates, serving dishes, flowers, etc; please leave cash or check to Sasha Nourafchan in the basket labeled “TeacherLuncheon” in the main office.
The names of all donors (food and monetary donations) will be displayed in the library during the Luncheon.
Congrats to the boys’ basketball team who won all three games on Saturday! Special thanks to Principal Kamau and Mr. Crossley for coming out and supporting the team. The boys and Coach Robertson did a great job, and the team now advances to South/West Region Semi-Finals and Finals next Saturday at Manual Arts HS. Come out and support the team! Go Warner Wildcats!
Get Free Books for Your Kids to Read Over Winter Break! Read the Flyer Below to Learn About the Very First Warner Book Swap!
Warner Pride
Bring out your inner Wildcat! Join Warner Wear Wednesdays!!
From now on, every Wednesday is WARNER WEAR WEDNESDAY! Warner students (and their parents) are encouraged to wear any Warner shirt (vintage or new). That could be their field trip shirt, Haunt shirt, Warner Walk shirts or one of the cool Warner Wear shirts available at the Warner Wear Store.
*No purchase necessary, but if you do want to buy new gear, we have a wide range of t’s and sweatshirts for adults and kids at the Warner store, open Mondays at assembly and Fridays at dismissal. We’re proud of our school and proud of our students; Warner Wear Wednesdays!
It’s Time for Winter Sing 2016
Our children have been preparing and warming up their vocal cords all month for this wonderful event. The Winter Sing is just a few days away. Don’t miss your chance to experience it again and again. These magical memories are available for a short time. Order your DVD today! Each DVD costs $20.00 and must be ordered by Friday, December 16th. No late orders will be accepted.
Thank you for supporting Warner Avenue Elementary and the
Winter Sing Program.
Winter Sing Schedule 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
8:45 Performance – Kindergarten Parents
Friday, December 16, 2016
8:15am Performance – 1st & 4th Grade Parents
9:45am Performance – 2nd & 3rd Grade Parents
11:15am Performance – 5th Grade Parents
12:30 Dismissal- Have a great Winter Break!
Parents should attend the performance time for their oldest child if there are siblings performing.
Spring Auction – Save the Date
Mark your calendars for the Spring Auction: Saturday, March 4, 2017 at the Sofitel Hotel. More details to come in 2017.
In the meantime, you can help during your holiday travels. We are seeking donations, specifically in the form of certificates for travel (hotel, resorts & vacation homes), restaurants, sporting events, music concerts and other fun experiences. How to do this?
1. Download a solicitation form HERE. Forms are also available outside the Main Office.
2. Keep a supply in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when away for the holidays, at dinner, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities. Remember, donations are 100% tax deductible.
Warner Crossing Partners
Thank you to our Crossing Partners volunteers!
Room 2 Ms. Rucker’s Class:
Arezoo Nasiry
April Mcdaniel
Nabiha Basathia
Rose Krieger
Cory Loncar
Dana Yaron Levertov
Dean O’Leary
Sara Isaac
Sharon Monempour
Nook Suphamongkhon
Jerry Chow
Room 5 Ms. Stults’s Class:
Bita Alisha
Ramona Shamooilian
Rebecca Khorshidi
Hilla Nourmand
Nina Khothari
Andy Babb
Paul Hamilton
Sharona Tabibiazar
Thank You Drop-Off Lane Volunteers
Thank you to the following people who volunteered for the drop-off lane:
Week of 10/31: Drop-Off Lane Volunteers for Room 14 – Ms. Anderson
Dana Levertov
Michelle Kelly
Sheila Nazarian
Amanda Shokrian
Mary Shannon
Jonathan Kim
Natalia Lowson
Mary Shannon
Jeffrey Lustgarten
Angella Bina
Jill Shinefiled
Marni Bernstein
Sia Daneshmand
Sean Kelly
Week of 11/07: Drop-Off Lane Volunteers for Room 14 – Ms Peyton
Melinda Van Atta
Nadia Mishael
Sandra Gaspar
Melody Khani
Paula Perez
Roya Melamed
Roy Ofek
Kosmas Livanos
Smrithi Narayan
Christine Regwan
Naz Bolour
Vicki Bolton
Jean Michele Lejeune
Paula Lewis
Holly Shuter
Rich Shuter
Week of 11/14: Drop-Off Lane Volunteers for Room 12 – Ms. K. Kim
Dan Harrison
Cathy Correll
Mark Zappaterreno
Tyra Hunt
Watanabe Hiroshi
Dawn Sierra
Paula Lewis
Dawn Sierra
Dominique Appleby
Jerry Chow
Sally Moghadam
Week of 11/13: Drop-Off Lane Volunteers for Room 27 – Ms. Bockman
Helia Naimi
Rodney Yashoufar
Dorit Pakdaman
Reagan Restall
Mika Tsuruta
Liz Wayne
Amanda Marr
Romy Nourafchan
Victor Gomez
Nikki Mark
Michael Adler
Lisa Ichikawa
Paula Perez
Yvette Bordelon
Lyora Peykar
Karina Gomez
Mojgan Sabeti
Kosmas Livanos
Sarah Turkel
Free Zone Volunteers
Calling all parents of grades 1-5!
Come and tap into your inner-Picasso, as a volunteer at the Art/Free Zone tables, while enjoying the lovely children of Warner Avenue. Enjoy an afternoon playing board games, directing an art activity, or just simply creating through writing, art and conversation. Your role can be as simple as a supervisor, or as demanding as a facilitator of your own project.
For further instruction, or questions, please contact either Paula Lewis at or Sherry Lavian at We are happy to get you started with your first shift.
Please note, if you plan a project, it should take no longer than 10 minutes. The children are only at the tables for 15 mins max.
Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet for “Free Zone Grades 1-2”.
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, this newsletter) please contact Tracy Austin at
It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Shopping in Century City? Earn Money for Warner
Earning money for Warner is easy when you shop in Century City.
Join the Westfield Rewards program by visiting
Once your account is confirmed, you can submit receipts by signing into your account. Select the ‘Points’ tab, then ‘Add Points.’ Be sure to ‘Pick Partner’ and choose Warner. Or submit your receipts to the Westfield Customer Service Desk within 7 days.
Upload your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. There is nothing more calming than seeing holiday decorations everywhere reminding me I have done absolutely nothing so far…
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!