Classes with the greatest collected pledge amount win a pizza party! One for grades K-2 & and one for grades 3-5.
The Super student with the greatest collected pledge amount in grades 2-5 wins an Apple Watch. The Super student with the greatest collected pledge amount in grades K-1wins a scooter with helmet.
***Please have your kids plan to wear their Walk T-shirts this Monday April 24th.We’ll be celebrating the WarnerWalk Spirit and it would be great to see everyone wearing their Walk T-shirts! ***
Please join us for our last WAVE meeting of the school year Monday, May 1st immediately after the assembly in
the Banooni Auditorium.
Learn about the final events and activities for the year, including the 90th Anniversary, Book Fair, Open House, and the Teacher/Staff Luncheon. Ms. Kamau will give her monthly update and also present on new report cards.
We will be voting on the slate for the 2017-18 WAVE Board of Directors and Officers. Also, we will be voting on the restated WAVE bylaws. The board approved restated bylaws at the last board meeting and the members will vote whether to approve and adopt them. A pdf of the restated bylaws was sent via email by your Head Room Parent. Members may also request a copy be mailed or emailed to them by contacting Sabrina IsHak at or 310/463-5714.
Have you attended a party book party yet? If not, now’s the time to step up and sign up. It’s April and some of the best parties are coming up during the next few months.
Rise and shine 5th graders and get ready for a fun surprise pajama breakfast together!
We will come and “grab” your 5th graders bright and early hopefully surprising them in their PJs to take them out for a yummy breakfast. This is a ton of fun as the kids wake each other up as we journey from house to house and then all eat together in pajamas at Denny’s in Westwood. Pick up will happen between 7:30 – 8:00am. Breakfast will be over at 9:30am and parents should plan on picking up their children at Denny’s by 9:30am.
Party Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Party Time: Pick up between 7:30a – 8a. Pick up at 9:30a
Party Location: Denny’s Westwood
Hosted By: Sabrina Ishak, Holly Shuter, Karen Hamilton
Come enjoy an afternoon of spa pampering! Mani/pedis, mini massages, & facials. Yummy snacks and drinks too! Drop off or parents are welcome to stay for champagne!
Party Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Party Time: 2p-4p
Party Location: 9743 Wendover Drive, Beverly Hills, 90210
Drop your kids off and make it a date night! They will have a blast topping their own pizzas, chowing down on home-made chicken wings and drumsticks, and snacking on popcorn and rice crispy treats. Don’t forget their sleeping bags because they’ll get cozy watching Jungle Book under the stars. Glow gear (sticks, bracelets, etc) will be provided for even more fun!
Party Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Party Time: 5:30p-10:00p
Hosted By: Nazanin and Alex Cohen
We’ll create stunning orchid arrangements in rustic wood containers by adding house plants, succulents, branches, curly willow and moss.
Just a few days before Mother’s Day, treat yourself or give your living work of art as a gift.
Everything described above is included.
Mimosas, light lunch, and good company provided.
Party Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Party Time: 11:30a – School pick up time
Hosted By: Jodi Kravetz
Party Location: 641 Woodruff Avenue, LA, 90024
Join the Party on Saturday, May 6th
On Saturday May 6th, we’re celebrating Warner’s 90th Anniversary!
Plan to come through with your family any time between 1-5pm. For “90 Years of Innovation”, come see and experience over 20 STEM exhibits and demos for the whole family – for free. That’s right, free! Thanks to WAVE and volunteers, there’s no admission or tickets to buy. From astronomy to robotics to biology to chemistry, Lego engineering, lasers, and more. Invite the grandparents, invite friends who used to attend Warner – this is open to our entire community of families and alums. You’ve NEVER seen Warner like this! Do not miss it!
Congratulations Warner Dance Teams
Congratulations to our Warner Dance Teams at Showstoppers Dance Competition last weekend! Both teams did great! Our 3rd-5th grade team came home with Platinum Medal and K-2nd grade came home with a Gold Medal. Look out for them performing at this Monday’s assembly! Fun + Scary at Same Time
(By Alan W. Silberberg, father of 2 Warner kids + 1 Alumni, and Founder of Digijaks which is a cyber security company with emphasis on preventing socially engineered attacks. He is a member of the California Cyber Security Task Force + a Subject Matter Expert on Cyber Security for the U.S. SBA.) is fun, and widely used amongst both students and parents at Warner. But, it also has some problems. That sounds a little scary, and perhaps for some people, if not many, like science fiction. There have been many incidents recently that highlight several types of privacy invasion and also several types of potential risks to youth, especially of the age of kids at Warner.
As this article states: The problems that exist on include inappropriate lyrics, comments that can be bullying or suggestive in nature; as well as problems with how the filters and videos can be used.
There have also been documented privacy breaches; and the company’s terms of service and technological underpinnings have not been updated appropriately to make real viable changes yet. There are few, if any real protections against their databases getting hacked. Indeed because 80 million + kids and families are on it globally, the company a hacking target.
Ensure your child is only using PRIVATE mode, + not exposing themselves with a public profile.
Work with your children to ensure you, and they know all the people they are friends with on the app, in real life. Kids this age have no business having strange friends.
Lock down all the available privacy settings, security settings, and the comments should not be open to public either.
Monitor and work with your children to understand how the direct private messages work, and how important it is for all of us to be aware of this function.
Like any app use for kids this age, best when used in a family room or car with parents in nearby proximity. Do not allow this to be used by young children by themselves, or in their own rooms without any adults around.
Digijaks has created a unique way for families, small businesses to begin assessing and strengthening their cyber posture. click here and begin today.
Jamba Juice Tuesdays
Jamba Juice is back every Tuesday!
WHAT: $3.00 for 8 oz. of delicious blended juice – Razzmatazz/ Mango a GoGo/ Chocolate Moo!
WHERE: MAINYARD near the south side of the auditorium
WHEN: Every Tuesday, after dismissal bell
(Please try to bring exact change)
Warner’s Playground Wish List
The Warner playground is in need of some new storage equipment and playground equipment for the yard. Please look at the two sites below, US Games and Amazon, if you are interested in making a donation. US Games sells the storage we are seeking and Amazon sells the equipment. Thank you for your donations and contributions. Every donation is greatly appreciated!
(All purchases can be sent directly to the school, c/o Coach Diamond, for your convenience.)
Dr. Nadia Mishael – Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Neal Tobisman – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Parent Counseling
Mike Cockinos – Coldwell Banker
David Yashar – Keller Williams Realty Westside
Warner Avenue Elementary is grateful to our many community sponsors who support our school. We encourage you to support these businesses in appreciation of their commitment to Warner.
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, the Warner newsletter) please visit our Corporate Sponsorship page
for more information. It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. The kids tried the Lowell method (i.e. acting younger) to get a generous sponsorship for Warner Walk from their grandparents. They slathered themselves in Aquaphor and said they were going to reenact their birth…
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!
Order deadline is Wednesday, April 19th. Thank you
Warner Walk Is Next Friday, April 28th
The Warner Walk is next Friday!
April 28th from 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Warner Walk involves all of the kids and teachers walking laps around the school to raise money for Warner. This event combines exercise with a fun way for students to directly help their school!
Parents and grandparents are welcome to join in the fun! Come walk, cheer on the kids or volunteer to help. Please leave your dogs & kryptonite at home.
Pledge sheets are due Thursday, April 27th
Classes with the greatest collected pledge amount win a pizza party! One for grades K-2 & and one for grades 3-5.
The Super student with the greatest collected pledge amount in grades 2-5 wins an Apple Watch. The Super student with the greatest collected pledge amount in grades K-1wins a scooter with helmet.
***Please have your kids plan to wear their Walk T-shirts next Monday April 24th. We’ll be celebrating the Warner Walk Spirit and it would be great to see everyone wearing their Walk T-shirts! ***
Have you attended a party book party yet? If not, now’s the time to step up and sign up. It’s April and some of the best parties are coming up during the next few months.
Please go to to sign up.
Has your child ever dreamed of winning a GOLD medal? Did you watch the Summer Games with aspirations of your own child’s Olympic glory? Now, your child’s dreams can come true. Join us for the Warner Olympics. Your children will have an opportunity to win a medal, and represent their school, in the first ever Warner Olympics. While your children compete in a variety of events including tug-of-war, discus, relay races, shot put and the long jump, the spectators will enjoy a nice Sunday brunch including mimosas. Come enjoy your Sunday cheering on your Warner Olympians while brunching with friends. Everyone is a winner at the Warner Olympics.
Party Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017
Party Time: 1p – 3p
Hosted By: Lyora Peykar, Lisa Tuiasosopo, Mandy Tabib, Paula Lewis
Show your artistic vibe as we create our masterpieces on canvas.
Champagne (aka Sparking Apple Juice) pizza and dessert provided.
Party Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Party Time: 4p – 6:30p
Party Location: The Michael’s Residence – 999 Casiano Road
Hosted By: Miranda Michael, Neda Rahimi, Dallia Tehranzadeh
Rise and shine 5th graders and get ready for a fun surprise pajama breakfast together!
We will come and “grab” your 5th graders bright and early hopefully surprising them in their PJs to take them out for a yummy breakfast. This is a ton of fun as the kids wake each other up as we journey from house to house and then all eat together in pajamas at Denny’s in Westwood. Pick up will happen between 7:30 – 8:00am. Breakfast will be over at 9:30am and parents should plan on picking up their children at Denny’s by 9:30am.
Party Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Party Time: Pick up between 7:30a – 8a. Pick up at 9:30a
Party Location: Denny’s Westwood
Hosted By: Sabrina Ishak, Holly Shuter, Karen Hamilton
Come enjoy an afternoon of spa pampering! Mani/pedis, mini massages, & facials. Yummy snacks and drinks too! Drop off or parents are welcome to stay for champagne!
Party Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Party Time: 2p-4p
Party Location: 9743 Wendover Drive, Beverly Hills, 90210
Drop your kids off and make it a date night! They will have a blast topping their own pizzas, chowing down on home-made chicken wings and drumsticks, and snacking on popcorn and rice crispy treats. Don’t forget their sleeping bags because they’ll get cozy watching Jungle Book under the stars. Glow gear (sticks, bracelets, etc) will be provided for even more fun!
Party Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Party Time: 5:30p-10:00p
Hosted By: Nazanin and Alex Cohen
We’ll create stunning orchid arrangements in rustic wood containers by adding house plants, succulents, branches, curly willow and moss.
Just a few days before Mother’s Day, treat yourself or give your living work of art as a gift.
Everything described above is included.
Mimosas, light lunch, and good company provided.
Party Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Party Time: 11:30a – School pick up time
Hosted By: Jodi Kravetz
Party Location: 641 Woodruff Avenue, LA, 90024
Join the Party on Saturday, May 6th
On Saturday May 6th, we’re celebrating Warner’s 90th Anniversary!
Plan to come through with your family any time between 1-5pm. For “90 Years of Innovation”, come see and experience over 20 STEM exhibits and demos for the whole family – for free. That’s right, free! Thanks to WAVE and volunteers, there’s no admission or tickets to buy. From astronomy to robotics to biology to chemistry, Lego engineering, lasers, and more. Invite the grandparents, invite friends who used to attend Warner – this is open to our entire community of families and alums. You’ve NEVER seen Warner like this! Do not miss it!
Thank You, Drop-Off Lane Volunteers
Week of 3/13: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 16 Ms. Polay
Alison Plessman
Mary Shannon
Golriz Jafari
Chin Chin Beckett
Regina Adler
Janet Li Tall
Daniel Schnabel
David Yashar
Frank Rodd
Marlene Cole
Week of 3/20: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 15 Ms. Terada
Betan Anthony
Sharon Ghatan
Melissa Bernstein
Alyssa Nguyen
Melody Khani
Kathleen Kim
Sharon Monempour
Tiffany Ayenechi
Ali Mahtabifard
Week of 3/27: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 18 Ms Ichikawa
Pablo Garza
Allison Gray
Natalie Corraco
Jason Mitchell
Tannaz Moin
Kambiz Lazar
Hawazen Radwan
Maria Blandizzi
Tolga Ornek
Pemra Ornek
Kambiz Lazar
Robert Grey
Roya Melamed
Hiroshi Watanabe
Natalie Corraco
Kambiz Lazar
Week of 4/3: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 19 Mr Nguyen
Rene Farahmandian
Elana Banafsheha
Sara Medifar
Yumi Kim
Liz Marks Pollak
Christian Zapf
Saynaz Farhady
Sherry Lavian
Tal Shachar
Minnie Ha
Swan Park
Susana Pinedo
Sally Moghadam
Sandy Pirnazar
Jamba Juice Tuesdays
Jamba Juice is back every Tuesday!
WHAT: $3.00 for 8 oz. of delicious blended juice – Razzmatazz/ Mango a GoGo/ Chocolate Moo!
WHERE: MAINYARD near the south side of the auditorium
WHEN: Every Tuesday, after dismissal bell
(Please try to bring exact change)
Warner’s Playground Wish List
The Warner playground is in need of some new storage equipment and playground equipment for the yard. Please look at the two sites below, US Games and Amazon, if you are interested in making a donation. US Games sells the storage we are seeking and Amazon sells the equipment. Thank you for your donations and contributions. Every donation is greatly appreciated!
(All purchases can be sent directly to the school, c/o Coach Diamond, for your convenience.)
Dr. Nadia Mishael – Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Neal Tobisman – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Parent Counseling
Mike Cockinos – Coldwell Banker
David Yashar – Keller Williams Realty Westside
Warner Avenue Elementary is grateful to our many community sponsors who support our school. We encourage you to support these businesses in appreciation of their commitment to Warner.
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, the Warner newsletter) please visit our Corporate Sponsorship page
for more information. It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. I hope everyone’s Spring Break was filled with as much arguing, whining, and high blood pressure as our family! Welcome back to school!
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!
WAVE Meeting Monday April 3rd at 8:45am in the Banooni Auditorium
Please join us on Monday, April 3rd after assembly for the monthly WAVE meeting in the Banooni Auditorium. Get a campus update on all the happenings at Warner Avenue School. The slate for the 2017-18 WAVE Board of Directors & Officers will be presented at the meeting, to be voted upon at the May general meeting.
Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment
Overview Workshop for Parents
April 5 at 8:30am
April 6 at 8:30am
Presenter: Kari Chi, Assistant Principal
This workshop is designed for parents of students in grades 3-5. Parents will get an overview of the test, examine sample questions, and learn about how they can support their child.
Special Screening of “Screenagers” – Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm in the Banooni Auditorium
We are thrilled to present SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a documentary about the biggest parenting issue of our time.
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that happening with her own kids and began a quest to uncover how it might impact their development. As with her other two award-winning documentaries on mental health, Ruston takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREENAGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and also offers solutions on how adults can empower their kids to best navigate the digital world to find balance.
SCREENAGERS addresses the most pervasive parenting issue of our time head on-depicting teen struggles over social media, video games and internet addiction. The film empowers kids to best navigate the digital world and provides practical resources to help them do it.
Film time: One hour 6 minutes
Appropriate for adults and kids 10 and older (however, many parents bring kids younger than 10 and are happy they did.)
Our children have been preparing and warming up their vocal cords all month for this wonderful event. The Spring Sing is just a few days away. Don’t miss your chance to experience it again and again. These magical memories are available for a short time. Order your DVD today! Each DVD costs $20.00 and must be ordered in advance. Order your DVD by Friday, April 7, 2017. No late orders will be accepted.
If YOU love science and want to get our kids hooked on scientific learning, then you want to be part of this year’s Warner Science Slam! This year the Slam is the centerpiece of family activity for our 90th Anniversary – it’s “the Grand Slam”!! If you want to host an exhibit from any field of scientific endeavor, or if you know this is the annual event where you can’t wait to volunteer, please contact Event will be May 6 from 1-5 pm.
Do YOU Have a Business You’d Like to Advertise to the Warner Community?
The 90th Anniversary is an opportunity like no other! This chance will not come back around again while your kids still go here. Ideal for personal services who want clients like our families. Find out more before April 7 when this offer goes away! Email to find out about business sponsorships of our 90th Anniversary Grand Slam!
Warner Avenue Party Book – April/May Parties
Have you attended a party book party yet? If not, now’s the time to step up and sign up. It’s April and some of the best parties are coming up during the next few months.
Please go to to sign up.
Has your child ever dreamed of winning a GOLD medal? Did you watch the Summer Games with aspirations of your own child’s Olympic glory? Now, your child’s dreams can come true. Join us for the Warner Olympics. Your children will have an opportunity to win a medal, and represent their school, in the first ever Warner Olympics. While your children compete in a variety of events including tug-of-war, discus, relay races, shot put and the long jump, the spectators will enjoy a nice Sunday brunch including mimosas. Come enjoy your Sunday cheering on your Warner Olympians while brunching with friends. Everyone is a winner at the Warner Olympics.
Party Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017
Party Time: 1p – 3p
Hosted By: Lyora Peykar, Lisa Tuiasosopo, Mandy Tabib, Paula Lewis
Show your artistic vibe as we create our masterpieces on canvas.
Champagne (aka Sparking Apple Juice) pizza and dessert provided.
Party Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Party Time: 3p – 6p
Party Location: The Michael’s Residence – 999 Casiano Road
Hosted By: Miranda Michael, Neda Rahimi, Dallia Tehranzadeh
Rise and shine 5th graders and get ready for a fun surprise pajama breakfast together!
We will come and “grab” your 5th graders bright and early hopefully surprising them in their PJs to take them out for a yummy breakfast. This is a ton of fun as the kids wake each other up as we journey from house to house and then all eat together in pajamas at Denny’s in Westwood. Pick up will happen between 7:30 – 8:00am. Breakfast will be over at 9:30am and parents should plan on picking up their children at Denny’s by 9:30am.
Party Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Party Time: Pick up between 7:30a – 8a. Pick up at 9:30a
Party Location: Denny’s Westwood
Hosted By: Sabrina Ishak, Holly Shuter, Karen Hamilton
Come enjoy an afternoon of spa pampering! Mani/pedis, mini massages, & facials. Yummy snacks and drinks too! Drop off or parents are welcome to stay for champagne!
Party Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Party Time: 2p-4p
Party Location: 9743 Wendover Drive, Beverly Hills, 90210
Drop your kids off and make it a date night! They will have a blast topping their own pizzas, chowing down on home-made chicken wings and drumsticks, and snacking on popcorn and rice crispy treats. Don’t forget their sleeping bags because they’ll get cozy watching Jungle Book under the stars. Glow gear (sticks, bracelets, etc) will be provided for even more fun!
Party Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Party Time: 5:30p-10:00p
Hosted By: Nazanin and Alex Cohen
We’ll create stunning orchid arrangements in rustic wood containers by adding house plants, succulents, branches, curly willow and moss.
Just a few days before Mother’s Day, treat yourself or give your living work of art as a gift.
Everything described above is included.
Mimosas, light lunch, and good company provided.
Party Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Party Time: 11:30a – School pick up time
Hosted By: Jodi Kravetz
Party Location: 641 Woodruff Avenue, LA, 90024
Guess Who’s Turning 90?
Spring Portraits
Jamba Juice Tuesdays
Jamba Juice is back every Tuesday!
WHAT: $3.00 for 8 oz. of delicious blended juice – Razzmatazz/ Mango a GoGo/ Chocolate Moo!
WHERE: MAINYARD near the south side of the auditorium
WHEN: Every Tuesday, after dismissal bell
(Please try to bring exact change)
Graphic Designers Needed!
Are you a talented graphic designer who would love to put your passion to work for your child’s school? We need you! For jobs big and small, we can use as many volunteers as want to help out.
The Warner playground is in need of some new storage equipment and playground equipment for the yard. Please look at the two sites below, US Games and Amazon, if you are interested in making a donation. US Games sells the storage we are seeking and Amazon sells the equipment. Thank you for your donations and contributions. Every donation is greatly appreciated!
(All purchases can be sent directly to the school, c/o Coach Diamond, for your convenience.)
Register Your Ralphs Card and Help Warner Earn Free Money
If you shop at Ralphs, we need you! Only 50 Warner Families have signed up so far. Ralphs will give a % of your purchases to the charity of your choice – like your child’s public school (hint, hint). All you need to do is register your card and pick Warner as your charity. The program requires re-registration each year from Sept 1 to Sept 1, so last year’s effort isn’t earning money for Warner now. And, if you haven’t done it, it’s still worth doing!
Click the link below for Ralph‘s instructions, and be sure to pick Warner Avenue Elementary as your charity.
We have earned $2000 this year but have the potential to earn MUCH more!
Add the Warner Avenue HOME PAGE to your phone and use it! Once you click the Amazon logo from the warner website, it will take you directly to your Amazon app or account. See pictures below on how to set this up.
Click through the Warner website EVERY time you shop on Amazon! Warner receives up to 10% for every dollar spent. You must go through the Amazon link on our website ( BEFORE you put anything in the cart.
It doesn’t cost you any more money to shop Amazon through Warner and doesn’t affect your Prime account. Your purchases are completely anonymous!
Warner STAR – Important Dates
Thank you to everyone for a great first week of classes in Nova Session #4.
If you didn’t get a chance to sign-up for classes, don’t fret, we have plenty of space in many of our classes and would love to sign your children up next week.
You can always drop off a form in our STAR box in the Main Office or see us in person from 10:00am – 6:00pm.
Space is still available in Spring Break camp at Westwood Charter or Fairburn Elementary, so sign-up today!
Online Summer Camp registration is going strong, there are plenty of camps still open and lots of great discounts still available.
Hopefully, you children brought home a Summer Camp brochure, if not, stop by the STAR office and pick one up.
Any questions, you can contact us at 310-470-1868 or
Free Zone Volunteers
Calling all parents of grades 1-5!
Come and tap into your inner-Picasso, as a volunteer at the Art/Free Zone tables, while enjoying the lovely children of Warner Avenue. Enjoy an afternoon playing board games, directing an art activity, or just simply creating through writing, art and conversation. Your role can be as simple as a supervisor, or as demanding as a facilitator of your own project.
For further instruction, or questions, please contact either Paula Lewis at or Sherry Lavian at We are happy to get you started with your first shift.
Please note, if you plan a project, it should take no longer than 10 minutes. The children are only at the tables for 15 mins max.
Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet for “Free Zone Grades 1-2”.
Dr. Nadia Mishael – Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Neal Tobisman – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Parent Counseling
Mike Cockinos – Coldwell Banker
David Yashar – Keller Williams Realty Westside
Warner Avenue Elementary is grateful to our many community sponsors who support our school. We encourage you to support these businesses in appreciation of their commitment to Warner.
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, the Warner newsletter) please visit our Corporate Sponsorship page
for more information. It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Shopping in Century City? Earn Money for Warner
Earning money for Warner is easy when you shop in Century City.
Please bring copies of your receipts into the office so Warner gets credit.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. April Fool’s Day was a great day to teach your children how to empty out Mommy’s sugar packets and refill it with salt.
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!