Get your holiday lists ready to shop our best Warner Avenue School Holiday Boutique yet!! Come shop from our impressive vendors offering a vast selection of gifts for all your family and friends! We are welcoming clothing, jewelry, housewares, kids’ clothes, toys, accessories, food vendors, and much more!
The Holiday Boutique will be held on Thursday, December 7th, from 8am-4pm in the school parking lot. Parking restrictions on the surrounding streets near the school will be lifted. Please feel free to tell your friends, family, or anyone who is looking for a fun and positive shopping experience! CLICK HERE for a digital version of the flyer is attached for you to view or to share with your friends.
Hope to see you all on Thursday December 7th!!!
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school.
Your Holiday Boutique Chairs,
Rene Farahmandian and Sharon Monempour
Next WAVE Meeting – Monday, December 4th
The next WAVE meeting will be on Monday, December 4th in the Mitchell Auditorium following morning assembly. See you there!
CPK Mondays
Winter Sing 2017 Schedule
Warner Party Book
Warner Auction Gala Solicitation
Warner Families – It’s never too early to do your part to help make this year’s Auction Gala the best it’s ever been! We are seeking donations for our world class auction, specifically in the form of certificates for travel, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, kids’ activities and other entertainment. Copies of the solicitation form are located outside the Main Office. We suggest keeping them in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when at dinner, are away for Thanksgiving or winter break, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
Warner’s Community Builders want to introduce “Flowers with Inspiration in the Office”.
Please sign up in the office to bring flowers (home-bought or from your garden) in your own vase Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Please have your kids find an inspirational quote to place in the 3″ x 5″ frame (frame is provided) as well your kid’s name. We hope you will take part in this sweet and new Warner tradition.
There will be a sign-up list at the office for Flowers with Inspiration. Please ask Pam or Caroline for the list.
It is our sincere pleasure to announce STAR Gift Cards! These gift cards will help you save money on your enrollment and also offer other exclusive VIP benefits! Save $25 when you purchase a $300 gift card.
In addition, your gift card recipient is entitled to Red Carpet Registration™, STAR First Look™, and Priority Enrollment™. Red Carpet Registration™ allows you to work with one of our customer service registration agents as we learn the needs, dreams, and goals of your child and work with you to plan out the perfect summer. With STAR First Look™ your recipient will get a sneak peek at our Summer 18 camps before they are published! Finally, your gift card recipient will get Priority Enrollment™ which guarantees the enrollment into camps of choice*.
Speaking of camps, we are currently planning 40 amazing camps for you this summer including your favorites like Minecraft, Magic (yes, we are going back to the Magic Castle!), Sports, Science, Rockstar, and others. We also have new camps on the horizon that will leave you and your camper delighted.
Act fast, this special deal is available for a limited time this Black Friday through Cyber Monday!
STAR Winter Camp Info
Camp Dates & Locations
December 18th-22nd (Winter Week 1)
*Warner STAR: 615 Holmby Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 (310) 470-1868
Warner Avenue Elementary would like to thank its corporate sponsors for their generous support of our amazing school!
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Peter Mac, Mac Realty
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Jordana Leigh, Rodeo Realty
Jim Bremner, Gibson International
Larry Young, Berkshire Hathaway
Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor
Nader “Nick” Zargarpour, Esq., Zargarpour Law Firm, APC
Gold Level Corporate Sponsor
Troy Slaten, Esq., Floyd, Skeren & Kelly, LLP
Silver Level Corporate Sponsor
Bahar Soomekh, LA Bahar Real Estate
Master Jason Hwang, Hwang’s Tae Kwon Do Center
Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor
Rolling Robots (Children’s Robotic Workshop, Teams and Parties, West LA)
Warner STAR (After-School Enrichment Program)
Basic Level Corporate Sponsor
Eve Lahijani, MS RD (Registered Dietician, West LA)
Farah Hekmat, MD (Pediatrician, Beverly Hills)
Image Wireless, Inc. (Cellular Services/Products, Westwood Village)
David Yashar, Keller Williams Realty Westside
Cute Moves (Children’s Dance Classes)
Fariborz Rodef, DDS, Children’s Dental Fun Zone (Pediatric Dentist)
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. And if you saw me watching “Wonder” or “Coco” in the theater, I was snacking on a raw onion…the entire time…even the end credits.
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!
Get your holiday lists ready to shop our best Warner Avenue School Holiday Boutique yet!! Come shop from our impressive vendors offering a vast selection of gifts for all your family and friends! We are welcoming clothing, jewelry, housewares, kids’ clothes, toys, accessories, food vendors, and much more!
The Holiday Boutique will be held on Thursday, December 7th, from 8am-4pm in the school parking lot. Parking restrictions on the surrounding streets near the school will be lifted. Please feel free to tell your friends, family, or anyone who is looking for a fun and positive shopping experience! CLICK HERE for a digital version of the flyer is attached for you to view or to share with your friends.
Hope to see you all on Thursday December 7th!!!
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school.
Your Holiday Boutique Chairs,
Rene Farahmandian and Sharon Monempour
Warner Annual Fund Update
Thank you to those families who have already donated to the Warner Annual Fund. We are only at 43% school wide participation. We need to increase our participation, both in terms of class participation and dollars contributed.
If you’re procrastinating…don’t; your contribution will be missed (and not to mention, as hard to believe as it is, the end of the year is approaching…don’t let time run out to get your tax deduction for this calendar year)! WAVE provides programs, services, supplies, and more for every single student, and your children are benefiting from WAVE funded programs on a daily basis; they have the assistance of in class aides, they are attending art classes, science labs, computer lab, preparing for the amazing Winter Sing, and receiving playground coaching. All of this has been fully or largely funded by WAVE–NOT by LAUSD, and NOT by the state or the federal government.
If you can’t give the suggested amount, give what you can. Every dollar matters. We need widespread support to ensure we can continue to provide the high-caliber education we want for our kids.
Thank you again to the following families for their donations and support of the Warner Annual Fund and our children:
Abrol Family
Markatos Family
Afshani Family
Martin Family
Alaverdian Family
Mason Family
Amin Family
McClamma/Cook Family
Amiri Family
McManus Family
Anthony Family
Colin McQuade
Aynehchi Family
Medifar Family
Azema Family
Katelyn Meidel Family
Babb Family
Melamed Family
Bakshian Family
Michael and Jenny Bates
Ballas Family
Monempour Family
Banafsheha Family
Moore Family
Banooni Family
Morizono Family
Barber Family
Mosely Family
Barr Family
Naim Family
Beck Family
Naimi Family
Ben-Yehuda Family
Napolitano Family
Farhad and Angella Bina
Nazarian Family
Blandizzi Wan Family
Davis B. Nguyen, M.D.
Caro Rosmanich Family
Nourafchan Family
Chapman Family
Nourmand Family
Cheungsomboune Family
Nowain Family
Christensen Furuta Family
Oster Family
Cohen Family
Paige and Greg Hayes
Nazanin and Alex Cohen
Pairavi Family
Cohn-Ortega Family
Pankau Family
Coyne Family
Parker Family
Danesh Family
Paul-Natella Family
Daneshmand Family
Paulos Family
Daniel and Elenor Daneshvar
Pavlov Family
Samuel and Hasti Daneshvar
Pettican Family
Danovitch Family
Peykar Family
Davidoff-Kamin Family
Pirnazar Family
Deb Family
Jeff and Lauren Polak
DeUgarte Family
Pollak Family
Dominguez Family
Portera Family
Donenfeld Family
Potter Family
Doshi-Bhavsar Family
Angel and Mitchell Rabbie
Eng Family
Reif Family
Farahmandian Family
Restall Family
Farahnik/Pelavin Family
Richardson Family
Farivar Family
Rose Family
Fenton Family
Roy Family
Frazier Family
Rudnick Family
Freeby Family
Rushfield Family
Furner Family
Russo Family
Gabayan Family
Sabeti Family
Garg Family
Sachs Family
Ghahremanpour Family
Saeedian Family
Gholian Family
Salehani Family
Greene Family
Salehi Family
Habibi Family
Sallam Family
Hanasab Family
Samadi Family
Hanson-Beattie Family
Sampaio Family
Hariharan Family
Schlesinger Family
Harris Family
Schwartz Family
Harrison Family
Segura Family
Hatfield Family
Sehati Family
Hay Family
Shahhosseini Family
Hurst Family
Shamooilian Family
Ichikawa Family
Shaye Family
Isaac Family
Shayestehfar family
Jafari/Schnabel Family
Shayestehfar Family
Jaggi Family
Sherstova Family
James Family
Shuter Family
Joshi Family
Silverton Family
Kashfian Family
Sindilaru Family
Kelly Family
Slovin Family
Kelman Family
Snyder Family
Keuper Family
Song Family
Khani Family
Souferian Family
Kim Family
Sari, Jay, Maren and Avriel Stein
King Family
Suphamongkhon Family
Klaparda Family
Tabib Family
Kohn Family
Taino Family
Kokozian Family
Tam Family
Koma Family
Tarica Family
Kong Family
Tehranzadeh/Terani Family
Korman Family
Toobian Family
Kosuri Family
Torres Family
Kothari Family
Toubi Family
Krieger Family
Colin Tran Family
LaMagna Family
Tulloch Family
Lambert Family
Urdan Family
Lange Family
Villa Family
Lanlua Family
Waldstein Family
Lashkari Family
Alison and Todd Walkow
Lavi Family
Wang Family
Lee Family
Watanabe Family
Levertov Family
Wax-Furuta Family
Levins Family
Weisbarth Family
Lewis Family
Weisblum Family
Ley/Javid Family
Wertheimer Family
Lieberman Family
Winkler Family
Livanos Family
Wohlschlegel Family
Loncar Family
Wyse Family
Bethany Lucas
Yeroushalmi Family
Lustgarten/Barnow Family
Yousefi Family
Lwin Family
Zapf Family
Mark Family
Zax Family
Warner School Spirit – Sports Day is Friday, November 17th
Show your Warner school spirit! It’s going to be Sports Day on Friday, November 17th.
Dress in your favorite sport’s team attire.
Remember, the school dress code applies.
Warner Party Book
CPK Mondays
Next WAVE Meeting – Monday, December 4th
The next WAVE meeting will be on Monday, December 4th in the Mitchell Auditorium following morning assembly. See you there!
Juice Bar Tuesdays
Nekter Juice Bar will be back at Warner after school on Tuesday. Look for them on the school yard!
Warner Auction Gala Solicitation
Warner Families – It’s never too early to do your part to help make this year’s Auction Gala the best it’s ever been! We are seeking donations for our world class auction, specifically in the form of certificates for travel, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, kids’ activities and other entertainment. Copies of the solicitation form are located outside the Main Office. We suggest keeping them in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when at dinner, are away for Thanksgiving or winter break, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
Warner’s Community Builders want to introduce “Flowers with Inspiration in the Office”.
Please sign up in the office to bring flowers (home-bought or from your garden) in your own vase Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Please have your kids find an inspirational quote to place in the 3″ x 5″ frame (frame is provided) as well your kid’s name. We hope you will take part in this sweet and new Warner tradition.
There will be a sign-up list at the office for Flowers with Inspiration. Please ask Pam or Caroline for the list.
Warner Avenue Elementary would like to thank its corporate sponsors for their generous support of our amazing school!
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Peter Mac, Mac Realty
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Jordana Leigh, Rodeo Realty
Jim Bremner, Gibson International
Larry Young, Berkshire Hathaway
Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor
Nader “Nick” Zargarpour, Esq., Zargarpour Law Firm, APC
Gold Level Corporate Sponsor
Troy Slaten, Esq., Floyd, Skeren & Kelly, LLP
Silver Level Corporate Sponsor
Bahar Soomekh, LA Bahar Real Estate
Master Jason Hwang, Hwang’s Tae Kwon Do Center
Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor
Rolling Robots (Children’s Robotic Workshop, Teams and Parties, West LA)
Warner STAR (After-School Enrichment Program)
Basic Level Corporate Sponsor
Eve Lahijani, MS RD (Registered Dietician, West LA)
Farah Hekmat, MD (Pediatrician, Beverly Hills)
Image Wireless, Inc. (Cellular Services/Products, Westwood Village)
David Yashar, Keller Williams Realty Westside
Cute Moves (Children’s Dance Classes)
Fariborz Rodef, DDS, Children’s Dental Fun Zone (Pediatric Dentist)
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Pathetic Dad Fact #14: I am playing Super Mario Odyssey more than my kids…
Another Friday holiday, another bad bagel joke: Bagel says to a donut, “You’re not healthy.” The donut responds, “Says who?” The bagel answers, “Sesame.”
If you would like to volunteer for Bagel Friday, please email Regina Adler at Thank you!
Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 20th – Friday, November 24th
WAVE Meeting
Monday, December 4th @ 8:30a in Mitchell Auditorium
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!
Please remember the next WAVE meeting will be tomorrow, Monday, November 6th after morning assembly.
See you there!
CPK Mondays
Informational Meeting for Parents –LAUSD Magnet Programs and Gifted Identification
If you missed the presentation last Thursday, a second session will be offered on
Tuesday, November 7, at 8:30am in the auditorium.
Warner Annual Fund Update
The Annual Fund is at 43% participation with $540,000 to date. We need your participation. Please consider donating today at
Save the Date – Movie Night on November 9th
Calling all shoppers!!!
Get your holiday lists ready to shop our best Warner Avenue School Holiday Boutique yet!! Come shop from our impressive vendors offering a vast selection of gifts for all your family and friends! We are welcoming clothing, jewelry, housewares, kids’ clothes, toys, accessories, food vendors, and much more!
The Holiday Boutique will be held on Thursday, December 7th, from 8am-4pm in the school parking lot. Parking restrictions on the surrounding streets near the school will be lifted. Please feel free to tell your friends, family, or anyone who is looking for a fun and positive shopping experience! A digital version of the flyer is attached for you to view or to share with your friends.
Hope to see you all on Thursday December 7th!!!
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school.
Your Holiday Boutique Chairs,
Rene Farahmandian and Sharon Monempour
Warner Party Book
Warner’s Girl’s Basketball Team
The girl’s basketball team won both games this weekend and are moving onto the next round! Congratulations!
Operation Gratitude
It’s been an exciting countdown to Halloween with the Haunt and all the fun assemblies. Halloween is finally here and the issue of how to limit Halloween candy is always a concern. There are some great tips from nutritionist Melissa Halas-Liang in an article featured in the LA Times today. Simple steps such as feeding your kids before trick-or-treating and having them choose just 5 of their favorites and donating the rest to Operation Gratitude. We are proud to say that Warner Avenue Elementary always participates in supporting our troops through this program. Click on the link for the full article and see attached for the exact details of Operation Gratitude.
Nekter Juice Bar will be back at Warner after school on Tuesday. Look for them on the school yard!
Warner Auction Gala Solicitation
Warner Families – It’s never too early to do your part to help make this year’s Auction Gala the best it’s ever been! We are seeking donations for our world class auction, specifically in the form of certificates for travel, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, kids’ activities and other entertainment. Copies of the solicitation form are located outside the Main Office. We suggest keeping them in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when at dinner, are away for Thanksgiving or winter break, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
Warner’s Community Builders want to introduce “Flowers with Inspiration in the Office”.
Please sign up in the office to bring flowers (home-bought or from your garden) in your own vase Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Please have your kids find an inspirational quote to place in the 3″ x 5″ frame (frame is provided) as well your kid’s name. We hope you will take part in this sweet and new Warner tradition.
There will be a sign-up list at the office for Flowers with Inspiration. Please ask Pam or Caroline for the list.
Warner Avenue Elementary would like to thank its corporate sponsors for their generous support of our amazing school!
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Peter Mac, Mac Realty
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Jordana Leigh, Rodeo Realty
Jim Bremner, Gibson International
Larry Young, Berkshire Hathaway
Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor
Nader “Nick” Zargarpour, Esq., Zargarpour Law Firm, APC
Gold Level Corporate Sponsor
Troy Slaten, Esq., Floyd, Skeren & Kelly, LLP
Silver Level Corporate Sponsor
Bahar Soomekh, LA Bahar Real Estate
Master Jason Hwang, Hwang’s Tae Kwon Do Center
Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor
Rolling Robots (Children’s Robotic Workshop, Teams and Parties, West LA)
Warner STAR (After-School Enrichment Program)
Basic Level Corporate Sponsor
Eve Lahijani, MS RD (Registered Dietician, West LA)
Farah Hekmat, MD (Pediatrician, Beverly Hills)
Image Wireless, Inc. (Cellular Services/Products, Westwood Village)
David Yashar, Keller Williams Realty Westside
Cute Moves (Children’s Dance Classes)
Fariborz Rodef, DDS, Children’s Dental Fun Zone (Pediatric Dentist)
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Why am I finding candy wrappers in my shoe? Why? WHY?!?
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!