Due to the voting center that was set-up in the auditorium last week, the WAVE meeting has been moved to THIS Monday, March 9th at 8:30am. The meeting will be in the Mitchell Auditorium. See you there!
Do you and your child want to see your name on the banner that goes up in front of the school for Spring Sing? If so, then hurry and get your Annual Fund donation in today! If you can’t give the suggested amount, GIVE WHAT YOU CAN. EVERY DOLLAR MAKES A DIFFERENCE, AND WE ARE COMING UP ON THE DEADLINE TO HAVE NAMES ON THE BANNER. We need widespread support to ensure we can continue to provide the high-caliber education we want for our kids. The Warner Annual Fund is now at 70% participation. Please go to https://warnerfundraising.org/warner-annual-fund/ to give today!
Thank you to the following families who, as of March 5th, have already donated to the Warner Annual Fund (if you donated and do not see your name on this list or your name is displayed incorrectly, contact warnerannualfund@gmail.com).
The 2020 SPRING GALA SILENT AUCTION site is now live!!
Can’t make it to the Gala but still want to bid? No problem! Register at the website above and have fun bidding!
Happy Bidding! We’ll see you on March 14 at the 1 Hotel West Hollywood.
It’s your favorite time of year again – it’s time to get dressed up, have fun with friends, and participate in Warner’s biggest fundraiser of the year –
The Annual Spring Gala!
Cocktail hour with silent auction and open bar will start at 6:00 pm, followed by an incredible live auction and a seated dinner. Formal attire is encouraged, but cocktail attire is always fabulous as well!
Link to Purchase Tickets – On Sale NOW!
Purchase your tickets ASAP as prices will increase on March 9th at 9:00 am!
***Wildcat Sponsors receive 2 tickets to the Gala with their sponsorship. Wildcat Sponsors must still go to the Gala website to purchase tickets using the wildcat sponsor code which was emailed to you. *Wildcat sponsor tickets are nontransferable, and may only be used by the Wildcat Sponsor him/herself.
How would you like to advertise your business to our community AND support our great school at the same time?
Through our “Friends of Warner” program, there are NEW sponsorship opportunities that will give you tons of exposure not just to the Warner parents, but to our entire neighborhood.
Exciting news! Warner is now using the Membership Toolkit Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Easily stay connected to other Warner families via your smartphone and Web.
Patience is waiting without getting upset. It helps us deal with things that may feel uncomfortable (e.g. waiting in a long line or saving our money to buy something we really want). Patience can help us build our good character.
* Waiting my turn (consideration/respect)
* Not complainingwhen I don’t get my way (understanding)
* Accepting what cannot be changed (compassion)
* Maintaining self-control (confidence)
* Keep trying (persistence/commitment)
Pop! Goes Your Brain!
You and your kids have access to
BrainPOP at home!
We’re happy to inform you that BrainPOP is now available for home/mobile use for all Warner families.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to warneravenews@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. For me, March Madness doesn’t only refer to the college basketball tournament; it feels more like an accurate description of everyday life and it just happens to be the month of March.