Principal’s Corner: A Message From Principal Kamau
The Haunt Was a Monster S’Mash!
Thank You, Haunt Sponsors!
Upcoming Talks
Monday, November 7th
On Monday November 7th at 9:00am, Dr. Shereen Tabibian, clinical neuropsychologist, will be speaking to Warner Elementary parents about learning disorders in reading, writing and math. She will discuss key signs and symptoms along with the social, emotional, and academic implications in school-aged children for parents and caregivers to know.
Monday December 5th
On Monday, December 5th, please plan to stay and hear a special presentation from Alan Silberberg.
Our children are growing up in a digital, social media-saturated world. Come learn about family safety online, including your digital footprint and cybersecurity.
Alan Silberberg is a Founder of Digijaks, a cybersecurity company specializing in social media and mobile devices. He is a member of the California Cyber Security Task Force (established by Gov. Jerry Brown) and subject matter expert on cybersecurity for the US SBA. Mr. Silberberg is a Warner parent and his tech column is often featured in the Warner What’s Happening newsletter.
Thank You For Supporting the Warner Technology Plan
Thank you to the following families for their support of the Warner Technology Plan (as of 10/28/16):
Regina and Michael Adler
Nader & Ronit Ahdout
Tiffany and Shahrad Aynehchi
Bakshian Family
Adrienne, Eric, Michael & Jake Barr
Bolour Family
Vicki Bolton
Berenji Family
Carosello-Perman Family
Bradley Friedman & Ilana Charet
Chow Family
Alex and Nazanin Cohen
Elizabeth Cohen and Wayne Greene Family
Lilian Clinton
Closter Family
Cohn/Ortega Family
Adam and Maliha Fakhri
Fang Family
Fenton Family
Freeby Family
Garg Family
Ghahremanpour Family
Arthur Gregory
Grove Family
Lila and Robert Hanasab
Dawn Sierra for Wyatt Hatfield
Dan and Libby Harrison
Estelle Isaac
IsHak Family
Jafari/Schnabel Family
Joshi Family
Kelly Family
Khorshidi Family
Klaparda Family
Krieger Family
Yuliya Krokhaleva
Lambert Shinefield Family
Lanlua Family
Lavian Family
Lee Family (Ethan)
Leopold Family
Lev Family
Levins Family
Michelle Martinez
Matthew & Naomi Lieberman
Lustgarten/Barnow Family
McCollough Family
Medifar Family
Katelyn Meidel Family
Melamed Family
Kira and Gennady Musher
Monempour Family
Moore Family
Sam & Camellia Naim
Natella-Paul Family
Narayan Family
Nazarian Plastic Surgery
Nowain Family
Nate and Lia Oster
Peykar family
Sandy and Kambiz Pirnazar
Reif Family
Richardson Family
Sachs Family
Saeedian Family
Sallam Family
Samadi Family
Saven Family
Sehati Family
Kambiz & Ziba Sharim
Silverton Family
Parisa and Babak Shayestehfar
Shuter Family
Slaten Family
Snyder Family
Song Family
Suphamongkhon Family
Tabib Family
Taino Family
Tarica Family
Toobian Family
Tulloch Family
Verny Family
Hiroshi Watanabe
Lauren and Matt Weisbarth
Weisblum Family
Wertheimer Family
Wohlschlegel Family
Wyse Family
Zolkin Family
Thank you to Bobby and Rebecca Khorshidi & Rob and Lila Hanasab for making a matching grant of $5,000. We appreciate your generosity!
Thank you to the families who have contributed to the Warner Annual Fund. CLICK HERE to see the names of those who have contributed as of 10-25-16.
For those who have not made your contribution, please do so now. You can make your contribution online at:
YOUR DONATION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE and is a direct benefit to your child. WAVE funds the teacher’s aide in your child’s class and all the enrichment classes your child takes: art, science, computers, PE, the upcoming Winter Sing, and so much more.
If you have contributed as of October 25th and do not see your name on the list, please contact Karen Hamilton at
Thank you for your support of Warner and our children!
Thank you to the following people who volunteered for the drop-off lane:
Week of 10/24: Drop-Off Lane Volunteers for Room 11 – Ms. Smith
Jonah Borris
Jenny Closter
Junghoon Lee
Elisabeth Normand
Tanaz Banooni
Julian Zolkin
Chris Szekely
Tara Kamin
Lana Wohlschlegel
Ramin Farzadmehr
Junka Price
Zachary Price
Irina Minakova
Nathalie Beasnael-Motcho
Junghoon Lee
Lisa Slaten
David Wertheimer
Beverly Wertheimer
Shirin Yadegar
Felipe Caro
Warner Crossing Partners
Over the past few weeks, a pilot “Crossing Partners” program has been put in place to help ensure the safety of the Warner community in getting to the campus safely.
The pilot has been so successful that Ms. Kamau wants to incorporate this as a classroom safety job — separate yet related to carpool.
Thank you to Micah Yui for spearheading the Crossing Partners Program!
The classes will only be responsible for one week of Crossing Partners duty:
4 people per day
The crossing friends week is different from the carpool week and a schedule will be sent to your class carpool representative.
Thank you to the following volunteers who helped out during the trial month solely out of the goodness of their hearts! You all helped make the Crossing Partners Program happen!
Indrani Bhowmick
Jessica Earnhardt
Karen Fisher
Chris George
Kristin Grove
Sarah Grover
Geraldine Guzman
Karen Hamilton
Anita Hedvat
Debbie Irving
Sabrina Ishak
Sel Kardan
Inna Kurtich
David Lari
Jeffrey Lustgarten
Smrithi Narayan
Karen Romano
Michelle Russo
Shay Salehrabi
Dan Selzer
Scott Shelton
Holly Shuter
Nook Suphamonghon
Jessica Weisblum
Micah Yui
Julian Zolkin
Photo Days Have Changed
UCLA Exploring Your Universe
Sunday, November 6, 2016
12:00pm to 5:00pm
Night-time activities until 8:00pm
UCLA Court Of Sciences
Activities include:
Hands-on Workshops
Scientific Talks
UCLA Planetarium Shows
Comet-making and Bottle Rockets
UCLA Meteorite Gallery
Weather Tours
Physics & Chemistry Demos
And much more!
Please join us for this family-friendly day of science exploration at UCLA organized by Astronomy Live! Visit Astronomy Live! for a full schedule of events and directions. Admission is free. All ages are welcome.
Parking is available for $12 in Lot 2 and Lot 8.
Recent 5th Grade Cyber Security Assembly
(By Alan W. Silberberg, father of 2 Warner kids + 1 Alumni, and Founder of
Digijaks which is a cyber security company specializing in social media and mobile. He is a member of the California Cyber Security Task Force + a Subject Matter Expert on Cyber Security for the U.S. SBA.)
In October, 2016, I was invited to speak to the Warner 5th Grade about cyber security, cyber bullying and staying safe online. We talked about how kids are building a permanent encyclopedia of themselves every time they go online; how a “friend” is not necessarily a friend online; and never to use digital tools to bully or abuse someone else. I have spoken at schools in the past, and one thing that always rings clearly, is how much more advanced kids are in some ways than their parents or teachers.
*Some ways* is the key phrase. While kids may know how to use a device or a program or online platform, their brains are still those of kids, and they do not understand the short and long term ramifications of their digital lives yet. Many of their parents and teachers do not fully either. Some parents may get remedial cyber security training through their workplace, but this never involves family cyber security or the cyber security needed around classrooms and schools. Most teachers are getting little to no cyber security training beyond that of the school network and school owned devices.
So kids, families and teachers are left to fend for themselves. We all need a rule of life playbook for digital lives. Kids are building the digital encyclopedia of themselves every day, and this will last with them forever. So the earlier we start reaching into schools and other places where families are, the sooner we can teach the digital version of “don’t cross the street on a red light” or “don’t take a stranger’s hand or get in a car with a stranger.”
These concepts are simple in real life and much more complicated due to psychology and questions of real or not, online. The digital worlds we all create leave somewhere between 15,000-20,000 digital markers per week, or per day in some cases for those who are heavily online. These markers are diced and spliced into tiny micro bits that then get sold, are used to profile and used for identity theft.
During this session, we did a real time internet test. I asked everyone to cover their hands with their faces. I then took a picture of the room with everyone like that, and was sure to not include anything that would show where we were. Then I explained that we were going to post it to Twitter. But, in doing so, we had to respect everyone’s privacy, so, no geo locating, no tagging of anyone’s name, no mention of the school, no mention of names. We sent the tweet out live and within one hour, over 2000 people had seen it, and 48 people had clicked on it. This is just one tweet. Multiple that by every social network and every child and every child they know. Now you can see for yourself how fast something can affect and change a young person’s life.
Some of the questions that came up in this session included:
· How do I know if someone on a social network or game or music platform is really another kid?
· I accidentally downloaded a virus and crashed my parent’s computer, what can I do?
· Should I use a password to protect my phone/tablet/watch?
· Should I talk to my parents if there is something I don’t understand or seems worrying?
· Who do I report a bad person to? (And how)
These are your kids. Multiply this by every school in the USA and we have a problem folks. A problem that needs to be addressed both through the schools; and one that parents need to take an active role in for their families.
Digijaks has created a unique way for families, small businesses and family owned businesses to begin assessing and strengthening their cyber posture. For questions, please contact Alan Silberberg at
Help Us Get Free Money From Ralphs
Did you know Ralph’s will give us free money? They DO!
We get to “set it and forget it.” Once you register your Ralph’s rewards card and pick Warner for your charity, you don’t need to do anything else until next September. Ralph’s will give us a % of your purchases, and it all really adds up. Please invite friends and family to register their Ralph’s cards as well!
Three easy ways to go:
(1) Online; (2) by phone, (3) make us do it for you.
Follow the prompts to register your card or sign in to your existing account. When you get to pick an organization for “community rewards,” be sure to select Warner Avenue Elementary School (not a “pop warner” team), organization #81123.
By Phone:
Call 1-800-443-4438. Have your Ralph’s rewards card ready, or the phone number you use to access Ralph’s rewards. The representative will walk you through registration and linking up to Warner, organization #81123.
By volunteer:
We’ll do it for you! Email your Ralph’s rewards number and email address . We will set your password to be “615Holmby” and opt out of communications. You will need to re-enter your account to change those settings. Please note, we cannot register you with a phone number, or if you have an online account with an existing password. Use the other options in those situations.
Warner parents! Do you want to get a head start on spring cleaning? If you have blenders, magic bullets, electric kettles or hot plates that you no longer have use for, the Warner science lab will make sure to put it to great use. Please contact for more information or to arrange drop off.
Warner STAR NOVA Session #2, Wish List Update, & Westwood STAR “Day Camp”
STAR Nova #2 starts on Monday, October 31st.
Please remind your children everyday that they have a class to meet at the lunch benches after school.
If you have a kindergartener, please remind them that a STAR teacher will pick them up from their classroom and take them to the kindergarten yard after school.
It’s not too late to sign up for STAR Nova #2 classes, so please come to the STAR office and sign up, today!
Just a reminder that the STAR office hours are:
9:30AM – 2:30PM
& 3:30PM – 6:00PM – Monday, Thursday & Friday
9:30AM – 1:30PM & 2:30PM – 6:00PM – Tuesday
12:00PM – 2:30PM & 3:30PM – 6:00PM – Wednesday
We look forward to seeing your children in the STAR program for NOVA #2!
****STAR’s WISH LIST****
1. A working iron
2. 4 square balls (2)
3. Basketballs (3)
4. New ball bin with lock
5. New electric ball pump
Thank you all very much and have a lovely week!!!!!
is the official website for WAVE, the parent-teacher organization that supports enrichment and education at Warner Avenue Elementary.
You will find links to our 2016-2017 calendar (download it to your phone!), a list of event chairs and committee heads, list of WAVE Officers and Directors, various downloadable and online forms, and much, much more.
Corporate Sponsors Wanted
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, this newsletter) please contact Tracy Austin at
It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Interested in Volunteering?
If you would like to volunteer in a classroom or on campus, or for a WAVE event, you must complete an online application and obtain a LAUSD volunteer badge from the district.
You must wear your badge while you are volunteering on campus. All volunteers are required to complete an online application every year. Please follow the steps below:
3) If this is your first time completing an application online, do not attempt to log in. Click “Register” to register first.
4) Once your account is set up with your email, log in.
5) Start a “New Application”.
6) On Step 4-School Placement, enter your child’s information.
*Please use your child’s classroom number as the School ID.
7) After you submit the application, print it out, sign at the bottom, and bring it to the main office with your new TB test results. If your TB status is already on file (valid for 4 years), you do not need to bring a copy.
8) Read and sign the Volunteer Commitment Form in the main office. This form is also available on in the Volunteer at Warner section.
Everyone who goes through the Amazon portal on Warner’s website before shopping can earn us a 4-10% referral kickback at no additional cost. This could be thousands of free dollars for our children’s school!
Here’s how:
(1) Send all your friends and family all over the world an email with a link to Warner’s website:
(2) Need to shop on Amazon? Every single time, go to Warner’s website first and click through our portal to get there. The portal will always be on the very bottom of every page on our site, and we’re trying to put up a more prominent portal as well.
(3) Even to browse make it a habit. Every new purchase has to be put in the cart and paid for ONLY after clicking through our portal or we are not credited.
(4) You will not get confirmation that the purchase earned us a referral reward, but if you follow these steps, we’ll get free money!
1. Can I shop, put stuff in my cart and then click through Warner’s website to buy? No. Your cart will be there and the purchase will look the same to you, but Warner will not earn any money from it. The system is setup to credit us only for funneling a customer to them, and a customer is defined as a person who goes on our site, clicks through to Amazon’s site, commits items to a cart, and eventually makes the purchase. You must go through our portal before putting items in your cart to benefit Warner.
2. What if i click through the portal, browse and don’t put anything in my cart. I leave the window up, and later that day I make an Amazon purchase? Once you click through our portal, you’ve activated a 24 hour session timer. Purchases made in that window should be credited. But you’re safer always, always, always clicking through Warner’s Amazon portal to browse or shop on Amazon.
3. What if I click through Warner’s portal, put stuff in my cart and then wait a while before I compete the purchase…like more than 24 hours? So long as you accessed Amazon through our Warner portal and put items in your cart in that session, the purchase is credited to us if made within 90 days. But again, you’re safer if as a habit, you always, always click through Warner’s Amazon portal before you even browse, or shop, or finalize a purchase on Amazon.
4. What about Amazon Smile? We are working to link the Associate program to our Smile program. It should be invisible to you, but if it turns out there’s another step to the process we’ll update this page. Otherwise, if you were to shop without going through our website portal, we only earn a fraction of 1%, instead of 4%10%.
5. How much money do we earn? Amazon’s formula is complicated, with the numbers depending on the type of items purchased, the amount of money spent, and the total volume of clickthrough customers we refer. Don’t worry about it! Just shop as you normally would, after always first going to Warner’s site and clicking our portal to Amazon. The more people do it, the more we earn.
6. How long does the program run? Amazon is running the Associate program year round without limitation. Unlike other promotions, it earns money for Warner even when school is not in session.
7. Will doing this mess up my Amazon Prime account? No.
8. Does Amazon allow Warner access to data about my family’s purchases or account? No. WAVE administrators can get frequent updates on how much the school has earned in total, and that’s it. We can’t tell you if a particular purchase was credited, and we don’t get customer account data at all.
So every time you shop Amazon, first go to:, Then clickthrough to Amazon from our portal, fill your cart and check out as usual. Every single time.
Thank you for supporting Warner Avenue Elementary!
Shopping in Century City? Earn Money for Warner
Earning money for Warner is easy when you shop in Century City.
Join the Westfield Rewards program by visiting
Once your account is confirmed, you can submit receipts by signing into your account. Select the ‘Points’ tab, then ‘Add Points.’ Be sure to ‘Pick Partner’ and choose Warner. Or submit your receipts to the Westfield Customer Service Desk within 7 days.
Upload your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated monthly.
by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Halloween on a Monday night is the absolute best…said every parent with heavy sarcasm.
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!