Didn’t get your holiday photos of the kids done in time? Don’t love your kids’ school pics? Ready for some cute photos of the siblings together? Now’s your chance!
Warner’s very own Lyora Peykar will be taking our children’s portraits for the slide show to be shown at the Spring Gala! Portraits will be taken on Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 during school hours in the KHORSHIDI FAMILY COURTYARD. Deadline to order is February 10th, 2019.
Choose your portrait package below – prints, or a combination of both digital and prints! You can get individual and sibling photos. They make great gifts!
Join us in the Warner Auditorium for a special presentation on Tuesday, February 19th from 7pm – 8:30pm, by internationally acclaimed, Dr. Gail Dines, about our current health crisis and challenges of bringing up healthy kids in today’s digital culture saturated with porn and hyper-sexualized images. She will discuss how parents and educators can help build resilience and resistance in kids to porn culture. You don’t want to miss this! $20 per person. More ticket information to come.
Thank you to those families who, as of February 1st, have already donated to the Warner Annual Fund. We are only at 57% school wide participation. We need to increase our participation, both in terms of class participation and dollars contributed. If you’re procrastinating, don’t; your contribution will be missed! WAVE provides programs, services, supplies, and more for every single student, and your children are benefiting from WAVE funded programs daily; they have the assistance of in-class aides, they are attending art classes, science labs, computer lab, preparing for the amazing Winter Sing, and receiving playground coaching. All of this has been fully or largely funded by WAVE – NOT by LAUSD, and NOT by the state or the federal government.
If you can’t give the suggested amount, GIVE WHAT YOU CAN. EVERY DOLLAR MATTERS, AND WE ARE COMING UP ON THE DEADLINE TO HAVE NAMES ON THE BANNER. We need widespread support to ensure we can continue to provide the high-caliber education we want for our kids. Go to https://warnerfundraising.org/warner-annual-fund/ to give today!
If you donated and do not see your name on this list or your name is displayed incorrectly, contact warnerannualfund@gmail.com. Names in bold have donated since the last time the list was published in Warner What’s Happening.
Can You Fix it in Post?
Do you have knowledge or talent in the video field? The Spring Gala needs your help with creating and splicing together a video that we will be playing at the event! Even iPhone video knowledge would help!
The school’s office staff is requesting small children clothing for grades TK and kindergarten, sizes 5 and up. They are requesting leggings, shorts, and underwear for boys and girls.
A big thanks in advance!
Warner Parent Portal – Register Now!
Exciting news! Warner is now using the MySchoolAnywhere Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, volunteer village signups, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Login/register now!
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to warneravenews@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. For the first time in a long time, I actually cried when the kids left for Astro Camp…because the tour bus ran over my right foot, and I’ll be in a cast for the next 4-6 weeks.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!