Want to see something cool? Really, really cool? See that blue “CLICK HERE” below? Click that to see some of the amazing items you’ll find at this year’s Warner boutique! There will be something for everyone.
There will be no WAVE meeting on Monday, February 5th. Instead, come to the Warner Boutique!
Warner Annual Fund
The First to Cross the Line in The Great Ice Cream Race
Who’s Going to Be Next?
Mr. Kim’s 3rd grade class is officially the first to reach 100% participation in the Warner Annual Fund and they will be having an ice cream party to celebrate! If your class can also get to 100% participation by Friday February 9ththen they too will get an ice cream party! Check the table below to see the current standings for each class. Haven’t donated yet and want to get your class across the finish line by Friday and also have an ice cream party? Donate now at https://warnerfundraising.org/warner-annual-fund/
. Remember, ANY amount you donate goes towards your class’ contribution percentage, so don’t hesitate. Give today!
Ms. C. Baker
Ms. Jalil
Mr. Nguyen
Ms. Polay
Ms. Terada
Ms. Berwanger
Ms. Chan
Ms. Kaczorowski
Ms. Rucker
Ms. Stults
Ms. Gilbert
Ms. Ichikawa
Ms. Netervala
Ms. Schleimer
Ms. Takanashi
Ms. Altman
Ms. K. Baker
Ms. Heim
Ms. Kim
Ms. Peyton
Ms. Smith
Ms. Tascione
Ms. Unal
Ms. Brody
Ms. E. Lee
Ms. I. Lee
Ms. Shabestari
Bring your child to an unforgettable afternoon of science exploration at Genius Kids Club. Party goers will learn how to stand on raw eggs without breaking them (a fun lesson on equal distribution of weight), make exploding toothpaste and test the strength of polymers in the splash zone. Kids will be scientists for the day as they engage in these hands-on, dynamic, exciting (and often hilarious) experiments! (All experiments are safe for young children). This fabulous science experience will be rounded off with pizza, veggies and cupcakes.
Party Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018
Party Time: 3PM-5PM
Party Location: Genius Kids LA, 3951 Laurelgrove Ave, Studio City, CA 91604
Hosted By: Sabine Dreher
Join us for this super popular event as we get creative while sipping on wine, nibbling on delicacies, bonding with friends and making memories.
Party Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Party Time: 7PM
Party Location: Peykar Home, 147 Groverton Place, LA 90077
Warner’s Kids Who Care community service program presents this wonderful annual family event for parents and kids of all ages. We will once again be making care packages for the residents and families at PATH (People Assisting the Homeless). Our students will be writing notes, drawing pictures, and helping to make sun butter (not peanut butter) and jelly sandwiches to include in these care packages.
In addition, donations of nonperishable foods and personal hygienic items to go in the care packages would be greatly appreciated. Donation boxes will be set up outside the Warner office through Tuesday, February 6th . Feel free to donate any of the items listed below or you may choose to donate items that are suggested by grade level:
-8 oz. water bottles
-juice boxes
-men’s/women’s socks
-packs of sugarless gum
1st Grade
-lunch size bags of chips
-boxes of individually wrapped granola bars
-men’s/women’s socks
-packs of sugarless gum
2nd Grade
-lunch size bags of chips
-boxes of individually wrapped granola bars
-men’s/women’s socks
-packs of sugarless gum
3rd Grade
-lunch size packs of cookies
-boxes of individually wrapped granola bars
-men’s/women’s socks
-travel size tissue packs
4th Grade
-lunch size packs of cookies
-boxes of individually wrapped granola bars
-men’s/women’s socks
-travel size tissue packs
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Karen Fisher at
iamkarenf@me.com or Neda Rahimi at neda26@aol.com. Please note that we will not be able to accept donations on the day of the event.
Looking forward to seeing you all there !
Interesting in Being a Spring Auction 2018 Sponsor?
There are many sponsorship opportunities – including sponsoring dessert and AV! – that will get you or your business signange in the Lowell Family Courtyard before the event, signage at the Spring Auction and even tickets to the event! Please go to https://warnerfundraising.org/spring-auction/ to become a sponsor, or email Dina Cohen at dinaklepner@hotmail.comwith questions.
Sponsor Banner Art Contest
Warner Spring Auction – Saturday, March 10th
Save the date for the Spring Auction Gala!
Know Any Bakers or Florists?
The Spring Auction committee needs your help! We are looking for dessert and/or floral donations for the Spring Auction. Any connections you have would be very much appreciated. Alternately, if your family is interested in sponsoring the dessert or centerpieces at the Spring Auction, we would love to hear from you! Please contact Dina Cohen at dinaklepner@hotmail.com
5th GRADE PARENTS ONLY – You have an option to buy a Yearbook Memory Page. (Scroll down this link to purchase & a DIY guide). Memory Pages are due Feb. 23rd.
Are you interested in being on the WAVE Board or nominating committee? Board position elections will take place in the upcoming months and we are looking for volunteers to serve on the nominating committee. If you are interested in being nominated for a board position or serving on the nominating committee, please let us know by contacting Jeannine Sehatijrsehati@gmail.com or Cynthia Wyse cynthiawyse@verizon.net.
Winter Sing DVDs Available
If you enjoyed watching Winter Sing once, imagine your overflowing joy being able to own it!
Warner Families – It’s never too early to do your part to help make this year’s Auction Gala the best it’s ever been! We are seeking donations for our world class auction, specifically in the form of certificates for travel, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, kids’ activities and other entertainment. Copies of the solicitation form are located outside the Main Office. We suggest keeping them in your car and in your purse, so you have them handy when at dinner, are away for Thanksgiving or winter break, or at one of your children’s extracurricular activities.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
Warner’s Community Builders want to introduce “Flowers with Inspiration in the Office”.
Please sign up in the office to bring flowers (home-bought or from your garden) in your own vase Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Please have your kids find an inspirational quote to place in the 3″ x 5″ frame (frame is provided) as well your kid’s name. We hope you will take part in this sweet and new Warner tradition.
There will be a sign-up list at the office for Flowers with Inspiration. Please ask Pam or Caroline for the list.
Warner Avenue Elementary would like to thank its corporate sponsors for their generous support of our amazing school!
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Peter Mac, Mac Realty
Diamond Plus Level Corporate Sponsor
Jordana Leigh, Rodeo Realty
Jim Bremner, Gibson International
Larry Young, Berkshire Hathaway
Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor
Nader “Nick” Zargarpour, Esq., Zargarpour Law Firm, APC
Gold Level Corporate Sponsor
Troy Slaten, Esq., Floyd, Skeren & Kelly, LLP
Silver Level Corporate Sponsor
Bahar Soomekh, LA Bahar Real Estate
Master Jason Hwang, Hwang’s Tae Kwon Do Center
Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor
Rolling Robots (Children’s Robotic Workshop, Teams and Parties, West LA)
Warner STAR (After-School Enrichment Program)
Basic Level Corporate Sponsor
Eve Lahijani, MS RD (Registered Dietician, West LA)
Farah Hekmat, MD (Pediatrician, Beverly Hills)
Image Wireless, Inc. (Cellular Services/Products, Westwood Village)
David Yashar, Keller Williams Realty Westside
Cute Moves (Children’s Dance Classes)
Fariborz Rodef, DDS, Children’s Dental Fun Zone (Pediatric Dentist)
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to warneravenews@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Is it wrong that I am typing this in front of the television while eating hot wings, cheese sticks, sliders, and a healthy stack of statins?
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!