The Annual Fund banner goes to print THIS week so if you want to see your name on this list and the official banner which will be debuted at the Spring Sing, get your donation in NOW at No more names will be added to the banner after today. WE are still $30,000
below our goal, so please give ANY AMOUNT that is meaningful to you to help us reach our goal land keep all of the enrichments we so love at Warner in place.
Thank you to the following families who have donated as of March 29th. Names in bold have donated since the last publishing of this list in Warner What’s Happening. If you have donated and do not see your name on this list, or your name is not displayed correctly, please email
CORRECTION – Persian New Year Thank Yous
Editor’s Note: Sincere apologies that family names were omitted from last week’s submission. Let’s do this one more time…correctly!
Thank you to the following families who contributed to this year’s Persian New Year Luncheon:
Spring Sing – Friday, April 12th
This year’s Spring Sing is…Warner Takes on the World: Superheroes.
Our Warner students will be saving the world with their singing on Friday, April 12th, 2019.
There will be one show only at 11am on the yard. Please note this is a minimum day. School begins at 8am and ends at 12:30pm.
Warner Walk – Friday, May 3rd
Father/Daughter Dance – Sunday, May 19th
Please join us for dinner and dancing at Warner’s first ever Father-Daughter Dance! Sunday, May 19th at Maggiano’s at the Grove from 5:30-8pm.
This will be an exciting event and tickets include: dinner, refreshments, DJ, photo booth, face painting, games and more! Tickets are available for purchase on the Warner website. If you would like to buy a corsage and boutonnière, please pre-purchase through the website. We look forward to seeing you all there! Space is limited so please buy your tickets today!
Courage is not being afraid to be yourself. It’s something inside of us that helps us overcome fear. Courage can bea large act of heroism but it can also be quiet and a part of our everyday lives. It’s important to recognize the every day kinds of courage.
Courage is welcoming a new neighbor.
Courage is sticking up for a friend. Courage is trying something new.
Courage is smiling at a friend.
Courage is being the first to say sorry after an argument.
Courage is to say NO.
Courage is…
A Note from the School’s Office
The school’s office staff is requesting small children clothing for grades TK and kindergarten, sizes 5 and up. They are requesting leggings, shorts, and underwear for boys and girls.
A big thanks in advance!
Warner Parent Portal – Register Now!
Exciting news! Warner is now using the MySchoolAnywhere Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, volunteer village signups, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Login/register now!
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. April Fools’ Day Educational Lesson #6: Play too many pranks on mommy and teach your kids what the word “joint custody” means.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!